Gossip Girl
Gossip girl is a TV drama based in New York that focuses on the lives of a group of former students and their high school lives, and the name Gossip Girl comes from the blog created and written by one of the students. It was originally ran on The CW for six seasons from September 2007, to December 2012, and is now found on Netflix.
Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Little lairs is another TV drama based on the lives of a group of students. When one of the girls, Alison, goes missing, the rest of the group has gone on with their lives but have grown apart. As the years go by, each girl finds herself facing a new set of challenges when anonymous text messages from "A" threaten to expose all their secrets, both secrets the girls were sure only Alison knew, and newer secrets developed after Alison's disappearance, so they go in search for who "A" is and how he/she knows everything about the girls' lives. It is based on the series of novels by Sara Shepard.
Happy Valley
A British TV drama that follows the life of a police sergeant dealing with personal tragedy's and investigates cases in a small West Yorkshire town. Different crimes and follow-up stories are shown in each episode, and was Written by Sally Wainwright.
American Horror Story
Created by the co-creators of "Glee," American Horror Story has little in common in the themes. The show revolves around a family of three called the Harmons, who move from Boston to Los Angeles. The Harmons, however are unaware that their new house is haunted by demonic creatures. The creatures have a history of not only spooking the house's residents but also devouring them, and after living in this house, family patriarch and psychiatrist, Ben, may need a shrink of his own. C0-Written by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, James Wong, Tim Minear, Jennifer Salt and Jessican Sharzer.
Six best friends, three young men and three young women, live in the same apartment complex and face life and love in New York. They're constantly getting involved in each other's businesses and swapping romantic partners, which always leads to the kind of hilarity average people will never experience - especially during breakups.
Teen Wolf
Whilst walking in the woods one night, high school student, Scott encounters and is bitten by a mysterious creature that changes his life is forever. Controlling the strange urges he now feels as half a human, half a werewolf, is the toughest part, and he's afraid the urges could end up controlling him. Unaware if the bite is a gift or a curse, things are not made easy by love-interest Allison, who Scott can't get enough of?
Breaking Bad
High school chemistry teacher, Walter White thinks his life can't get much worse with a salary that barely makes ends meet, which is a situation made harder and harder by his currently pregnant wife, and a teenage son who is battling cerebral palsy. Learning he has terminal cancer Walter is shocked and realises that his illness probably will ruin his family financially, he makes a desperate bid to earn as much money as he can in the time he has left by turning an old RV into a meth lab on wheels.
In The Club
Six heavily pregnant women and their partners are all brought together by imminent parenthood and the local hospital's parenting classes. Following each of the separate lives of the parents and their pregnancies, we see closely into the stresses and joys that expecting a baby can bring. Every family involved meets each other, and whilst some don't see eye to eye, others become closer.
Stranger Things
This Netflix-original drama focuses on the life of a woman names Joyce who lives in a small Indiana town in 1983. It is inspired by a time when tales of science fiction captivated audiences. When Joyce's 12-year-old son, Will, goes missing, she launches a terrifying investigation into his disappearance with local authorities. As they search for answers, they unravel a series of extraordinary mysteries involving unnerving supernatural forces, secret government experiments, and a very unusual little girl.
Gossip girl is a TV drama based in New York that focuses on the lives of a group of former students and their high school lives, and the name Gossip Girl comes from the blog created and written by one of the students. It was originally ran on The CW for six seasons from September 2007, to December 2012, and is now found on Netflix.
Pretty Little Liars
Pretty Little lairs is another TV drama based on the lives of a group of students. When one of the girls, Alison, goes missing, the rest of the group has gone on with their lives but have grown apart. As the years go by, each girl finds herself facing a new set of challenges when anonymous text messages from "A" threaten to expose all their secrets, both secrets the girls were sure only Alison knew, and newer secrets developed after Alison's disappearance, so they go in search for who "A" is and how he/she knows everything about the girls' lives. It is based on the series of novels by Sara Shepard.
Happy Valley
A British TV drama that follows the life of a police sergeant dealing with personal tragedy's and investigates cases in a small West Yorkshire town. Different crimes and follow-up stories are shown in each episode, and was Written by Sally Wainwright.
13 Reasons Why
When new girl Hannah Baker commits suicide, Clay Jensen discovers a tape, recorded and left by his class mate and work colleague, which starts his journey on finding out exactly why Hannah took her own life. Because of his strong feelings he had on Hannah, Clay feels desperate to listen to all the 13 tapes which include the 13 reasons why she chose to commit suicide. If Clay can listen to all of the recordings, he will find out if and how he made the list.
When new girl Hannah Baker commits suicide, Clay Jensen discovers a tape, recorded and left by his class mate and work colleague, which starts his journey on finding out exactly why Hannah took her own life. Because of his strong feelings he had on Hannah, Clay feels desperate to listen to all the 13 tapes which include the 13 reasons why she chose to commit suicide. If Clay can listen to all of the recordings, he will find out if and how he made the list.
American Horror Story
Created by the co-creators of "Glee," American Horror Story has little in common in the themes. The show revolves around a family of three called the Harmons, who move from Boston to Los Angeles. The Harmons, however are unaware that their new house is haunted by demonic creatures. The creatures have a history of not only spooking the house's residents but also devouring them, and after living in this house, family patriarch and psychiatrist, Ben, may need a shrink of his own. C0-Written by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, James Wong, Tim Minear, Jennifer Salt and Jessican Sharzer.
Six best friends, three young men and three young women, live in the same apartment complex and face life and love in New York. They're constantly getting involved in each other's businesses and swapping romantic partners, which always leads to the kind of hilarity average people will never experience - especially during breakups.
Teen Wolf
Whilst walking in the woods one night, high school student, Scott encounters and is bitten by a mysterious creature that changes his life is forever. Controlling the strange urges he now feels as half a human, half a werewolf, is the toughest part, and he's afraid the urges could end up controlling him. Unaware if the bite is a gift or a curse, things are not made easy by love-interest Allison, who Scott can't get enough of?
Breaking Bad
High school chemistry teacher, Walter White thinks his life can't get much worse with a salary that barely makes ends meet, which is a situation made harder and harder by his currently pregnant wife, and a teenage son who is battling cerebral palsy. Learning he has terminal cancer Walter is shocked and realises that his illness probably will ruin his family financially, he makes a desperate bid to earn as much money as he can in the time he has left by turning an old RV into a meth lab on wheels.
In The Club
Six heavily pregnant women and their partners are all brought together by imminent parenthood and the local hospital's parenting classes. Following each of the separate lives of the parents and their pregnancies, we see closely into the stresses and joys that expecting a baby can bring. Every family involved meets each other, and whilst some don't see eye to eye, others become closer.
Stranger Things
This Netflix-original drama focuses on the life of a woman names Joyce who lives in a small Indiana town in 1983. It is inspired by a time when tales of science fiction captivated audiences. When Joyce's 12-year-old son, Will, goes missing, she launches a terrifying investigation into his disappearance with local authorities. As they search for answers, they unravel a series of extraordinary mysteries involving unnerving supernatural forces, secret government experiments, and a very unusual little girl.
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